School Resource Officer
The School Resource Officer performs multi-faceted duties with the general purpose of being a liaison between the police department and all school district personnel. Emphasis is placed on the School Resource Officer providing services at the school, including police authority and sharing information in attempts to make the safest environment for students. The School Resource Officer works not only with the police department both also with students, faculty, staff, and other law enforcement agencies to enhance the safety at the school. Finally, they are utilized as instructors for classes on law enforcement topics as well as drug and alcohol awareness.Whitehall S.R.O. Program
The School Resource Officer Program started in September of 1999 at the Whitehall-Coplay High School and the Whitehall-Coplay Middle School. The School Resource Officers have attended numerous training sessions and are certified by (N.A.S.R.O.), National Association of School Resource Officers.
The program provides law enforcement and related services to the public schools of Whitehall-Coplay School District. Our officers work with the School Administration by attending sporting events, dances, and other activities including monitoring traffic on the campus.
The School Resource Officer provides an extension of the principal's office which helps in maintaining the administrative order and discipline throughout the school. Having a School Resource Officer is a way to help deter violence, gang activity, drug use, and weapons on school property.
There are many benefits of having a School Resource Officer including having the ability of instituting law enforcement education, drug and alcohol awareness programs using approved materials such as D.A.R.E. The School Resource Officer actively participates in the Citizens Youth Academy which is run in conjunction with the Basic Legal Concepts Class. They provide a resource for students, which will enable them to be associated with a law enforcement figure in the students' environment. Focus is placed upon building trust and communication with the students. They are also a resource for teachers and parents. They attend conferences on an individual basis identifying problems, addressing questions, particularly in the area of substance use, abuse or other violations of the law.
The School Resource Officer appears before the PTO and other groups associated with the school campus and speak on a variety of requested topics, particularly drug and alcohol abuse, school bullying and internet use.